Terminata con soddisfazione la Settimana dello Sport 2023 a Rho.
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“E adesso può pure piovere!”. Con questo sfogo
dell’assessore dello Sport Alessandra Borghetti, che ha tenuto costantemente monitorato il meteo
dal 22 al 28 maggio, si è conclusa domenica sera, dopo l’ultimo evento
organizzato a Mazzo, una intensa Settimana dello Sport 2023 costellata da oltre
cinquanta appuntamenti che hanno coinvolto le società locali e oltre 2500
atleti.” Inizia con queste parole il comunicato diramato dall’Ufficio
Stampa del Comune di Rho in occasione della fine della Settimana dello Sport.
Fra tutte le frasi che l’assessore avrà detto, questa, “E adesso può pure piovere!” a quanto pare era la più importante, certo era una frase di "sfogo", liberatoria di una tensione accumulata di parecchi giorni, però se uno pensa a
ciò che è accaduto in questa ultima settimana in fatto di pioggia, anche no!!!
Certo uno può dire, non puoi estrapolare
a tuo piacimento il significato di una frase e inserirlo in un altro contesto,
non è giusto. Le parole sono importanti. Scripta manent verba volant.
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Immagine di Faenza (RA) Comune di 58000 abitanti. |
Comunque vada a Rho non è accaduto l'irreparabile. La Settimana dello Sport è stata un successo, e ha permesso ad alcune società di raccogliere fondi da destinare agli alluvionati dell’Emilia-Romagna. “È stato bellissimo e impegnativo allo stesso tempo, ce l’abbiamo fatta e il tempo ci ha graziato – il commento finale di Alessandra Borghetti, che ha costruito un ricco programma e mantenuto i contatti con gli sponsor – Tutto è stato pagato dalle imprese locali che hanno accettato di darci una mano e questo per il Comune è un ottimo risultato. Sono molto soddisfatta perché Rho, oltre a coltivare i talenti degli sportivi, sa anche sostenere un settore che è fondamentale per una crescita sana dei nostri ragazzi, attenta ai valori che lo sport veicola: collaborazione, spirito di gruppo, consapevolezza che non conta soltanto vincere ma partecipare con passione”.
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Storie di Andrea Re.
ENGLISH VERSION by Google Translate
"And now it can even rain!" the outburst of the
councilor Alessandra Borghetti.
The 2023 Sports Week in Rho has ended.
Do you have a business and want to promote it? Write a
WhatsApp to “Stories of Andrea Re” on +39 3493943017.
"And now it can even rain!" With this outburst
from the Sports councilor Alessandra Borghetti, who constantly monitored the
weather from 22 to 28 May, an intense 2023 Sports Week studded with over fifty
appointments ended on Sunday evening, after the last event organized in Mazzo
which involved local clubs and over 2500 athletes.” The press release issued by
the Press Office of the Municipality of Rho on the occasion of the end of the
Sports Week begins with these words. Among all the phrases that the
commissioner will have said this, "And now it can even rain!"
apparently it was the most important, and if one thinks about what happened in
this last week in terms of rain, even not!!! Sure one can say, you can't
extrapolate the meaning of a sentence at will and put it in another context,
that's not right. Scripta manent verba volant.
Whatever happens, the Sports Week was a success, and allowed
some companies to raise funds for the flood victims of Emilia-Romagna. "It
was beautiful and demanding at the same time, we made it and the weather has
pardoned us - the final comment by Alessandra Borghetti, who built a rich
program and kept in contact with the sponsors - Everything was paid for by
local businesses who have agreed to lend us a hand and this is an excellent
result for the Municipality. I am very satisfied because Rho, in addition to
cultivating the talents of sportsmen, also knows how to support a sector that
is essential for the healthy growth of our kids, attentive to the values that
sport conveys: collaboration, team spirit, awareness that it's not just about
winning but to participate with passion”.
Difficult to highlight one event rather than another, there
were many initiatives and Borghetti followed them all, one by one. “I like to
highlight a fundamental aspect, namely the ability to weave bonds, to
collaborate. It was nice to see Karate welcoming the target shooting
enthusiasts, present for the first time at the Sports Week, in the same gym.
They shared spaces, welcoming demonstrations by karate champions in the morning
and children's challenges with lasers in the afternoon. I can't fail to mention
inclusive sports: Baskin has conquered twelve classes, which have joined an
initiative that I find essential for making everyone feel involved, while
Sesamo made kids with disabilities play bowls all day long. I appreciated the
fact that some sports clubs of a single discipline have collaborated: I am
thinking of rhythmics, volleyball and basketball. This aspect is important.
Sports associations know how to join forces and also know how to do charity:
Rugby has given up playing the match for first and second place in the UISP
tournament because the finalist was a team from Emilia Romagna, the ex aequo
prize was given and yes a fundraiser is organized for the victims of the flood.
Skating and Athletics did the same on Saturday evening at the Pirandello park:
they were sensational in the afternoon, involving the children, so they donated
part of the proceeds to Emilia Romagna. Finally, Rhodense organized a women's
soccer tournament in Lucernate in favor of the Letizia Verga Committee for the
treatment and study of childhood leukemia”.
Storie di Andrea Re.
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