“Chi tace e chi piega la testa muore ogni giorno che lo fa”
Giovanni Falcone.
Il quel 25 marzo tutte quelle donne hanno raccontato un poco di loro, e del loro rapporto contro le mafie, chi attraverso la propria arte, come la Compagnia del Bivacco, chi attraverso il proprio sentimento, portato avanti negli anni iniziando dai giovani e dalle scuole, come la presidente Clelia La Palomenta, chi nella propria veste istituzionale, come l’assessore Emiliana Brognoli, e chi, come Piera Aiello, che lo ha provato sulla propria pelle il confronto con le mafie.
“La mia storia è la storia di tante Donne che hanno detto
basta a quella situazione- ha raccontato Piera Aiello- Avere paura è relativo,
sono trent’anni che ho iniziato questo percorso, avevo messo in conto che
poteva succedere l’impossibile, pensavo di non rifarmi una vita, invece, in
barba a chi per anni mi ha massacrata, sono riuscita a farmi una vita, ho una
nuova famiglia che adoro. Vado avanti con le mie idee, la mia voglia di verità
e giustizia in me è nata praticamente nel grembo materno” tutta la sua vicenda
Piera Aiello la racchiude in una parola “rispetto. Rispetto degli altri,
rispetto dell’ambiente, rispetto delle cose degli altri. A volte non siamo d’accordo
con gli altri, ma tutti abbiamo diritto di esprimere la nostra opinione e
portare avanti i nostri ideali”. Continuiamo a denunciare.
Qui articolo sul Parco della Legalità.
Andrea Re
ENGLISH VERSION by Google Translate
Spurred on by Piera Aiello. Always against the mafia.
"Those who keep silent and bow their heads die every
day they do it" Giovanni Falcone.
“On 4 April 2023, the Prefecture of Milan adopted an
anti-mafia interdiction against the bar activity established in Piazza San
Vittore in the premises owned by the municipality. On the basis of current
regulations, having taken note of the anti-mafia ban, the SUAP office of the
Municipality of Rho ordered this morning, 7 April 2023, the immediate closure
of the aforementioned activity carried out in Piazza San Vittore, with the help
of the local police and law enforcement" this is what happened at the
beginning of the month, and it must be a stimulus for us and encourage us to
continue and perpetrate those actions in the field of legality that allow us to
continue fighting against the mafias, just as happened in the month of March
and during the week of Legality in Rho. Here is an article on what the Legality
Commission has done since it took office.
The week of Legality ended on 25 March at the Roberto De
Silva Civic Theater with the show “PI AMURI. Ballad for flowers in love".
Stories of women against the mafias. And yes, women, because that evening the
protagonists were the women, in addition to the actresses of the Compagnia del
Bivacco, Eleonora Iregna, Benedetta Marigliano, Lucia Nicolai, with the
directorial supervision of Maria Pia Pagliarecci, on that same evening the
president of the commission to Legality Clelia La Palomenta, and the councilor
Emiliana Brognoli, with Piera Aiello as guest of honor, an evening dedicated to
On that March 25 all those women told a little about
themselves, and their relationship against the mafias, some through their art,
like the Compagnia del Bivouac, some through their own feelings, carried
forward over the years starting with young people and schools , like the
president Clelia La Palomenta, who in their institutional capacity, like the
councilor Emiliana Brognoli, and who, like Piera Aiello, who has experienced
the confrontation with the mafias firsthand.
"My story is the story of many women who said enough to
that situation - said Piera Aiello - Being afraid is relative, I started this
journey thirty years ago, I had taken into account that the impossible could
happen, I thought not to start a new life, instead, in defiance of those who
have massacred me for years, I managed to make a life for myself, I have a new
family that I adore. I go ahead with my ideas, my desire for truth and justice
was practically born in my mother's womb "the whole story of her Piera
Aiello encapsulates it in one word" respect. Respect for others, respect
for the environment, respect for other people's things. Sometimes we disagree
with others, but we all have the right to express our opinion and pursue our
ideals." We continue to complain.
Here article on the Park of Legality.
Andrea Re
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